Basic IR Policy


Building trust and enhancing management quality through transparent disclosure and open dialogue.

We will be committed to promoting open dialogue with all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, and build relationships of trust by appropriate transparent disclosure in accordance with laws, regulations, and rules, as well as timely, fair, clear, accurate, and continuous transparent disclosure to promote understanding of our group. In addition, we will be committed to promoting management that contributes to the enhancement of corporate value based on the information obtained through open dialogue with stakeholders.

System for Information Disclosure

  1. Information Disclosure (Disclosure Media) Covered

    Statutory disclosures (EDINET)
    ・ Disclosure based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
    - Annual securities reports, half term reports, internal control reports, extraordinary reports, etc.
    ・ Disclosure based on the Companies Act
    - Business Report, Financial Statements and Consolidated Financial Statements
    Disclosure required by Tokyo Stock Exchange(TDnet)
    ・ Timely disclosure
    - Decision facts and occurrence facts required to be disclosed in a timely manner by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
    ・ Corporate governance report
    Disclosed on a voluntary basis (EDINET, TDnet, our website, other websites)
    - Explanatory materials on business content and management strategy, integrated reports, sustainability-related information, etc.
  2. Information management system

    We have established the IR and CG Promotion Committee, chaired by the Senior General Manager of the Administration Headquarters and composed of members nominated by the Chairman. The committee aims to ensure appropriate communication with all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, and to provide recommendations to the management team, including directors. Additionally, in accordance with the "TOLI Group Disclosure Management Rules," we have developed management standards and communication channels for business-related information to facilitate flexible and sensitive information management.

    ※ TOLI Group Management-Related Information Management System

Policy and System for Dialogue

To achieve sustainable growth and enhance corporate value over the medium to long term, we aim to foster constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors based on the following policy, and to gain their trust and appropriate evaluation.

  • President and Representative Director and the Executive Officer in Charge of IR, along with the Executive Officer in Charge of IR, will oversee shareholder and investor dialogues and ensure these interactions are managed appropriately.
  • IR・CG Promotion Committee, which consists of the Senior General Manager, Administration Headquarters, Management Planning Department、Accounting and Finance Department、General Affairs Department、CSR Promotion Department、Public Relations Planning Department、Audit Department, has been established to create a cooperative system for information disclosure and communication with shareholders.
  • We are committed to enhancing constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors through regular briefings on our financial results.
  • The Executive Officer in Charge of IR provides feedback on opinions, requests, interests, and concerns from shareholders and investors to other directors and executive officers as needed, and strives to share information.

<IR activities>

Target/Content Timing and frequency of meetings/method of meetings
For analysts and institutional investors/Briefing on financial results, management plans, etc. At the time of full-year financial results/face-to-face and online
For analysts and institutional investors/Individual meetings From time to time/face-to-face and online
For Private Investors/Company briefings 2-3 times/year/face-to-face/online

Managing inside information

In accordance with the TOLI Group Insider Trading Management Rules, we are committed to ensuring that all employees are thoroughly informed about and manage insider information appropriately. Additionally, our basic policy is to refrain from making external comments or responding to inquiries regarding financial results during a "silent period," which spans from the last day of each quarter until the announcement of the quarterly business results. However, if settlement figures are significantly below expectations during this quiet period, appropriate disclosure will be made.

※「Disclosure Policy」

Useful information on TOLI