Business Contents

Product Business

Product business consists of four fields: vinyl flooring, carpets, curtains and wall coverings, and we provide products for a wide range of buildings, including detached houses, condominiums, offices, hospitals, schools and accommodation facilities. We plan and develop a variety of functions and designs to suit people's respective lifestyles, and we conduct business consistently from manufacturing to sales and distribution, always meeting the needs of our customers.

Segment Net sales

(*) Segment results shown includes transactions between segments

  • Vinyl flooring

    Vinyl flooring is used for the floors of various buildings and is an important building material indispensable to daily life. By taking advantage of the rich functionality and design features unique to vinyl flooring, we support people's diverse lifestyles from the ground up.

    Main related factories and group companies

    • TOLI Corporation (Itami Factory, Atsugi Factory)
    • Hiroka TOLI Floor Corporation
    • Jiangsu Chang long Decorative Material Technical Co., Ltd. (* equity method affiliate)
    • Vinyl tile
      Vinyl tile
    • Vinyl sheet
      Vinyl sheet
  • Carpet

    Carpets are widely used in everything from offices to accommodation. In particular, we boast one of the top market shares in the industry for carpet tiles, our long track record and proven high quality underpin this. Carpet tiles can be used to add colors to a variety of spaces.

    Main related factories and group companies

    • Shiga TOLI Corporation
    • Gifu TOLI Corporation
    • Carpet tile
      Carpet tile
    • Roll carpet
      Roll carpet
  • Wall covering

    Wall covering materials have a rich variety of designs that expand the spatial design and create a comfortable environment. In addition, it helps create a safe and secure environment with its various functionalities such as antifouling, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.

    Main related factories and group companies

    • Santen TOLI Corporation
    • Vinyl wallcovering
      Vinyl wallcovering
    • Paper wallcovering
      Paper wallcovering
  • Curtain

    Curtains are essential for creating a gorgeous and comfortable space environment. Our curtains are fully made to order at our own sewing factory, allowing us to provide products that are perfect for our customers' lifestyles.

    Main related factories and group companies

    • TOLI Interior Planning
    • Residential made-to-order curtain
      Residential made-to-order curtain
    • Curtains for various facilities
      Curtains for various facilities

Interior wholesaling and installation business

The interior wholesale and installation business is doing supply and install of interior materials mainly TOLI's, from each area's sales office to the clients. Many interior materials are completed with skills of installers. Therefore, our Group's expertise of “Installation” plays a key role in this industry of Japan. In order to maximize the value of interiors, we have rolled out an integrated business model from product proposals to sales and installation.

Segment Net sales

(*) Segment results shown includes transactions between segments

Main related group companies

  • LIC CO.,LTD.
    KIRONY Co.,Ltd.
    HOKKAIDO TOLI Corporation
  • TOLI (Shanghai) Corporation
    TOLI Interior Service Co.,Ltd(*)
    TOLI North America Corporation

TOLI Interior Service Co., Ltd. will be in the “Interior Wholesale and Installation Business” segment from FY2023.

  • Interior Wholesale

    Interior Wholesale

  • Installation Busines

    Installation Busines

Supply chain and group framework

Supply chain and group framework 
  • Raw material procurement

    We procure a wide range of raw materials for manufacturing, including vinyl chloride resin, plasticizers, and nylon fibers, and we collaborate with numerous suppliers. Additionally, our group has been focusing on green procurement for more than 40 years, including the recycling of used agricultural vinyl, and the proportion of recycled raw materials used has been increasing year by year.

  • Manufacturing and inventory management

    Our group's six manufacturing plants in Japan manufacture interior products such as vinyl flooring, carpets, curtains, and wall coverings. Production plans are centrally managed by TOLI and products are stocked at distribution bases adjacent to factories and depot warehouses located throughout the country, ensuring a stable supply.

  • Sales and logistics

    The sales function of our group is handled by TOLI Corporation and group sales and installation companies. Approximately 65% of our group's consolidated net sales come from sales of TOLI brand products, and the remaining 35% comes from purchasing, selling, and installing products from other companies. Our group sales companies and group installation companies handle TOLI brand products and other companies' products, providing a one-stop service for interior products.

Useful information on TOLI